Life Together
Church is not a building or once-a-week event, but a community that has been “set apart” by their love for Jesus Christ and sent out together to display that love in all of life.
Below are ways you can get connected to our church!
In addition to community groups we meet twice monthly gatherings, one virtual & one in-person, to seek God together.
Zoom Prayer Meeting: last Wednesday of the month at 7PM! Email us to receive a link.
Join a Team!
Corporate Worship
We gather Sundays at 10 AM to grow in love for God through singing, learning from scripture, practicing the sacraments, and prayer. We continue to meet under all applicable health guidelines. Click below if you have talents and desire to serve in Music, audio/visual work, liturgy, and creative expression!
Community Groups
Our community groups are places where we experience spiritual growth, form friendships, and see lives transformed. Whether virtually or in person, our groups are not exclusive huddles, but spaces where anyone is welcome! If you desire to join, host, or help us pray and plan our groups, click below!
Our Missions Team supports world, as well as local, partners in the kingdom. From trips to serve in Haiti, to delivering bread to a local homeless ministry, this team keeps our hands and hearts open to the reality that we are just one part of God’s global kingdom.
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers-” Hebrews 13:2. Our Hospitality Team serves to make our community relational and welcoming. From meeting visitors on Sunday morning, to helping connect newcomers with a community group, we want to remember how God has welcomed us and extend that welcome to others.
‘Which of these three do you think was a neighbor?’…The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”- Lk. 10:36-37
Mercy Ministry helps “meet felt needs through deeds”. This team galvanizes us to stretch out our hands and meet needs that God brings to our attention: from serving refugees & orphans, to visiting widows and the sick. Without mercy the church cannot fulfill its’ mission.
Children's Ministry
Parents, we want to help you cultivate faith in your children! A primary way we do this is providing a weekly “seeding-plot” in our Sunday morning Children’s ministry. If you have a desire to serve those who Jesus called “the greatest in the kingdom”, join our team and experience the joy of seeing God at work in our littlest.
Koinonia Support Team
The Koinonia Early Childhood Center serves children from infancy through pre-K and this team supports the Center’s Director as well as builds bridges between the Center and congregational life. Like our Children’s ministry as a whole, we want to serve those who are least able to repay us, just as God has loved us without cost.
Building & Grounds
Everything we have is a gift, and this is most obvious with the resources of our buildings & grounds. We want to be faithful stewards of what we’ve been entrusted with, outfitting our building and grounds in a way that best serves our mission. There is always much to do, and we welcome all the handy persons out there to join us!
YAS Ministry
Our YAS (Youth & Service) Ministry aims to equip & serve youth that they might grasp God’s radical love for them. If you feel lead to faitfhully pray for this ministry and be a resource for our Youth Director, please click below!